Monday, November 2, 2015


Hola my dear family and friends!!

I cannot believe that another week has passed by here in Mexico! 

First, here is a humbling experience: unfortunately, we didn't know that our gas bill was due and we have not had hot water for the past week. The Lord answered our prayers and the gas man was able to save us today!! We have hot water again.:)

I truly love my mission. Each day brings new challenges, but I am truly loving the work! The people here are amazing. I am so blessed every day. The food is really good for the most part! A ton of the little stores here sell corn tortillias, that are soooo good. My favorite meal is those tortillas, warmed up with beans, cactus, and a little sour cream. Yumm. 

We have started to just wash our clothes by hand, which is actually pretty fun. 

My companion is really awesome. She's hilarious. When we have language study and she talks in English, it makes me think it is this how I must sound in Spanish?? It’s a lot of fun for the most part. Sometimes is hard to voice my opinion, but for the most part it’s great. 

So, this week was Halloween/Day of the Dead here in Mexico, and I saw some crazy costumes...:) We had a really fun family/ward activity on Thursday night and it was like Trunk or Treat (hopefully you all know what that is). It was really great and we had 7 investigators there! It was super fun, but one thing here is that everyone listens to the popular music from the United States. The bad part is that no one understands any of the music, and so oftentimes its totally filthy music. Its a little funny, because at this family ward event, they were blasting Pitbull from their cars. Pretty funny!! 

We had a great lesson on the Law of Chastity with our new investigator who is going to be baptized on the 28 of this month, and it was awesome. Brenda is totally prepared to hear this amazing message!!

The Family Rivas is also progressing. We were walking in the pouring rain on Saturday night, trying to find a reference, with no luck. I seriously just wanted to cry. We had the impression to go and visit this family, but the gate to the community was locked, but right as we were leaving, they came around the corner! They let us in and we had a totally awesome lesson. 

One thing that I want to share is my testimony of Patriarchal Blessings. If any of you have not read yours in a while, I encourage you to first pray, but then read with real intent your blessing. Do this tonight!! (If you don’t have a copy of yours, you can log onto, create an account and then order it.)  I was able to receive so many revelations, answers, and a true sense of comfort as I read mine this week. I also want to testify of the potential and promises that each of have here in this life. Alma teaches that this life is our time for us to prepare to meet God, and I know that we can be prepared if we cling to the Iron Rod and gospel principles. 

First Zone Conference - "It was great to to be able to speak english!"
Truly, I love this gospel, I love the principles, and I love that every day I can try and develop those qualities, and share my knowledge!!

Thank you so much for all of you love and support. I love you all, 

Le Ama Muchisimo!!

Hermana Beardall

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