Monday, October 19, 2015

Week one in the field!!

Hola my sweet family and friends!

Well, I have one week in the feild! Crazy. 

First companion!!  Sister Chavez, she is from
Sonora, Mexico.  She has been a member
for 4 years and has Madison says she is great.
In truth, this week was very, very hard for me. I am trying to adapt to an entire new world down here in Mexico. I have really missed my sweet family, and wish more than anything that I could just hug my dad. I have really struggled with the Language, and teaching is a whole new beast!!

It brings peace to a parent's heart
simply to see her smiling!
But, despite the few trials that I have here in the mission feild, I know that I have been called to this area, this mission, and to teach certain people for a very specific reason! I have grown so much, although it has only been one week. Every thing is so foreign, me.  Where I sleep is foreign, the people I see, the food I eat, the smells I smell, the people I see, the world I am in is so foreign.  In truth, my testimony one of the only things that I have a strong grasp on here. And I do have a very strong conviction that this church provides everlasting happiness and joy. I have a burning faith that the Lord is acutely aware of every situation that we face, and provides a way through every trial.

I love you all, and really am able to feel all of your thoughts and prayers for me throughout the week. 
Please continue to pray for me, as I do for you. 

All my love, 
Hermana Beardall