Monday, December 7, 2015

Things here in Mexico are so good!!!

Hi family and friends! Ever hoping that all is well. Things here in Mexico are so good. I have been so blessed with the opportunity to serve this mission! I really learn things every day, and I can testify without a single doubt that this Gospel is the source of true happiness. 

This week, we had some pretty great lessons. We also changed our chapel this week, and with that, and the new year coming up, changed our time to 12:00. I quickly want to talk about going to Church on Sunday's. I know that we can recieve answers during Sacrement Meeting. I know that if we prepare ourselves to partake of the sacrement, we can better find out the will of The Lord in our lives. This Sunday, as all Sunday's here, was really special, and I felt  the true cleansing of my errors of this week thanks to the Atonement. I want to challange all of you to think and prepare this week to partake of the sacrement! I know that when we put in the effort, it is repaid 100 times more. 

We had a really successful week this week, and I am truly so greatful for the progression of our investagatores. 

We had a really cool lession with one of our investagatores named Diosalina, who owns a pinata shop. She is really cute, and really believes that this gospel is true. The problem is that she doesnt want to attend church, but we are working on her!! 

Love attending Zone Conference!!  I so enjoy seeing and
being with the other missionaries!!
Also, we had a totally breakthrough lesson with one of our other investagators named Oliva, and she came to church for the first time yesterday! She was super content and I feel like really happy. Her daughter is a recent convert, and when we started talking with her, she thought that The Book of Mormon was a copy of the bible. It has been so cool to really see her conversion. We love her!!

Another great lesson that we had was with Hermana Brenda, and she is going to get married this week!! This is HUGE, because she kina needs to, in order to get baptized. But, her total dedication to the Gospel has really been a huge testimony builder for me and my companion!! She is pregnant and has two other kids, and I know that the gospel has brought them so much closer together!

Also, one of our families of investigators ALL came to church this Sunday, with one of their friends, who is also a really great investagator. This was such a huge blessing to have them all in church in Sunday, and afterwards, when we were talking to Areceli, the mom, she was so so happy and seriously like glowing. She said that she had many things confirmed to her in sacrement meeting, and it was just really great to see that she really is finding everything out for herself! 

Well, my sweet family and friends, I want you to know that I really do love you so much and miss you a whole lot, but I love the work. I love and thank my Father in Heaven every day for the opportunity to serve a mission! I know that this work is the work of The Lord, and it is one thing that has brought me immense happiness. 

I love you all, 
Hermana Maddi Beardall.